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    Oct 10, 2007
    Common Motivations For Cosmetic Surgery
    By Kendra Wagner

    Plastic surgery is not just for the rich and famous anymore. According to recent statistics, more than 11 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2006. Some of the most popular procedures today include breast augmentations, eyelid surgeries, facelifts, liposuctions and body lifts. Why is plastic surgery such a red-hot option among people of all ages? While each individual has unique needs and interests, the following are some of the most common motivations for having cosmetic surgery.
    To Look Younger
    A desire to looker younger is perhaps the single most common motivation to have cosmetic plastic surgery, especially among older adults. As we age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity and firmness, which leads to lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. Many people have found that cosmetic procedures allow them to reduce or eliminate many of these common signs of aging. With new techniques and advanced procedures continuing to emerge, patients can now enjoy impressive results that look both subtle and natural.
    To Look More Attractive
    Another very common motivation for cosmetic surgery is a desire to look more attractive. Many people feel that making changes in their face or body will make them more attractive and appealing. While this is a perfectly good reason to pursue plastic surgery, patients need to have realistic expectations about what cosmetic procedures can achieve. Most importantly, people should understand that the goal is of cosmetic surgery is not to make them look completely different, but rather enhance their natural beauty and appearance.
    To Feel More Confident
    Many people experience problems with self-esteem and self-confidence that are tied directly to appearance. Women and men may feel self-conscious about certain areas of their bodies. In many cases, these insecurities can lead to people avoiding certain activities or events. While plastic surgery is no substitute for a sense of personal security, it can help people gain confidence in how they look. However, all patients need to realize that surgery is not an instant fix. In order to feel self-confident, people need to hold realistic attitudes and expectations about their own bodies and about what cosmetic surgery can accomplish.
    To Correct Problem Areas
    In many cases, cosmetic surgery may not be performed simply for cosmetic reasons. People born with physical anomalies or those who have experienced injury due to trauma, infection or disease often seek plastic surgery to correct these issues. Surgery may be performed to make a specific area of the body appear more normal, or it may even be done to help restore function. Breast reconstruction, hand surgery and facial surgery are some of the most common types of corrective surgery chosen by patients.
    While there are many different reasons why people choose to have cosmetic surgery, it is important to realize that each case is unique. Other factors such as cosmetic surgery cost, risk and recovery time may also play a major role in determining the decision to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery.
    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kendra_Wagner

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