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    Oct 15, 2007
    Exercise Caution When Buying Cheap Tanning Bed Bulbs
    By Trevor Mulholland

    Owning a tanning bed isn't cheap. Think of how much more it would cost if you own more than one tanning bed, or a whole tanning salon? Even before the need to cut corners arise, you can find a way to budget your money more comfortably by buying some exhaustible components lower than their regular retail prices. Cheap tanning bed bulbs, lotions, and other things that you buy and use up on a fairly regular basis would help you save significantly on the cost of your tanning bed's upkeep.
    The cardinal rule is: be careful where you buy your cheap tanning bed bulbs. Cheap bulbs from a reliable source would give you the savings you need. But if they are from an unreliable source, you may find out too late that you spent entirely too much money for nothing.
    You must make sure that the bulbs are the right fit for your bed. Some beds were made to give people darker tans; these are the so-called "high pressure" beds. They employ bulbs and lamps that use more UVA than UVB light, in contrast with regular tanning beds that use more UVB than UVA. "High pressure" lamps are stronger and brighter, and normally also more expensive - just as a "high pressure" bed is often more expensive than a regular bed. But if your bed was designed to house only "high pressure" bulbs, these are the only kinds of bulbs that you should buy.
    Ordinary tanning beds are cheaper than their high pressure counterparts, and it follows that the bulbs you're going to use for them are also less expensive. If you're determined to make savings off the bat, a regular tanning bed is for you. However, if your priority is getting a darker tan in less time, a high pressure bed would give you nothing less. If you own a tanning salon, having both regular and high pressure beds would be a good deal - as people who can afford a fast, dark tan would not be averse to renting high pressure beds.
    But if you're simply buying tanning beds for your personal home use, and you don't often find yourself needing a dark tan in a hurry, regular beds may be more practical. You can buy cheaper bulbs for sure, plus the other implements such as spare parts, lotions and such are sure to cost less, as well.
    Tanning bed lamps and bulbs could come in cheaper if you buy them by the bulk. Choosing a supplier that offers free shipping is often the best way to go about getting a good deal. You find suppliers of cheap tanning bed bulbs, lotions, acetates, etc online. Alternatively, you could visit your bulb manufacturer's website regularly, or stay in touch with developments through their mailing list, so that you can get their bulbs cheap when they have a sale.
    Learn about the dangers of tanning and how to protect yourself from them on Suntan-bed.com. Also loads of information on cheap tanning bed bulbs for instance. Get a tan.. when you can! http://www.suntan-bed.com
    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trevor_Mulholland

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