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    Oct 26, 2007
    How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - 5 Methods That Show You How To Remove Cellulite
    By David Waller

    Cellulite is something which can make many people feel self conscious. Cellulite can be apparent in both men and women, and can strike the hips, thighs and buttocks. Many women wish to find a way of how to get rid of cellulite, especially as we approach the summer months, when it is time to wear shorts and bathing suits.
    The creation of cellulite is due to body fat which has been pushed through the deeper layers of the skin making it apparent on the outermost layer of skin.
    Some of the ways in which you can help to get rid of cellulite are:
    Daily Diet
    With a diet which is low in saturated fats and trans fatty acids, which are present in processed foods, the appearance of fat lumps or dimples may not alter, but your cellulite can certainly be reduced. Therefore it is essential to consume a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables along with whole grains. It is also vitally important to drink plenty of water.
    It is essential to undertake exercise, as diet alone will not combat cellulite. A combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training can assist your body's metabolism, which will result the decrease of cellulite.
    Intensive Massage
    Another remedy which can assist in getting rid of cellulite is intensive massage. Intensive massage can help to flatten and even out cellulite deposits. However, this will only be a temporary measure and your cellulite will return if you do not continue with intensive massage on a weekly basis. Certain clinics and spas offer this service which increases blood flow and reduces excess fluid in cellulite-filled areas along with the removal of toxins which are thought to increase the appearance of dimpled skin. It is essential to remember that the level of intensity in the massage can leave the skin bruised.
    Medical Therapy
    Lasers and radiofrequency systems are fast becoming more popular for cellulite treatment. One of these treatments involves the use of radiofrequency and infrared light to treat cellulite, whilst the other treatment involves blending tissue massage with diode laser energy. These treatments need to be undertaken several times a week for 3 to 4 weeks for the successful treatment of cellulite.
    Cellulite Cream
    Certain cellulite creams contain the ingredients of vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and antioxidants. These particular products can reduce cellulite effectively. The results will not be visible overnight, however, after using the creams for 3 to 4 weeks you will certainly see a difference. When purchasing a cellulite cream it is essential that you look for the above ingredients, as many creams advertise great results, but only with the correct ingredients will you see results.
    By following the instructions above on how to get rid of cellulite, you should be successful in your attempts of getting rid of those unwanted orange peel buttocks, hips and thighs.
    Are you scared to show you legs in public? Well, no more, discover how to remove cellulite once and for all http://www.cellulitegone.info/
    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Waller

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